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2018-2019 project pages

Teams, We'd like to hear your ideas for your projects this year, including a secondary backup project. Below is a list of projects ongoing, let u...

30 evil genius projects

code: [Download file ""] [Download file "30-arduino-projects-for-the-evil-genius-2010-simon-monk.pdf"] raspberry pi: [...

arduino manual-vilros

[Download file "arduino.pdf"]

Arduino programming-getting started

Text: [Download file "arduino coding one.pdf"]

Arduino with USK

bots and gadgets

[Download file "bots end.pdf"]

Cables and meters

[Download file "cat5 cables.pdf"]

Cat 5 cables! (no cats were harmed in the making of this weblog)


Elab Energy Hunt

Elab energy hunt-answers on your weblog! Part one: Sensors and controls go to and see if you can open something ...

Energy hunt

energy hunt locate environmental sensor blow on the sensor, check the values try ...

Freenove RFID kit for rPI

[Download file ""]

fsck, IPNetMonitor 2.7.3

fsck -yf upon single user start (command-s) open IP net monitor (blue guy icon) Task bar: [Screen Shot 2019-09-17 a...

Getting started with sensors-code

[Download file ""]

Hacking electronics code

code[Download file ""]

Herobrine hunt-raspberry pi

herobrine hunt-raspberry pi review pwd, ls, cd create a text file named herobrine.txt using sudo nano hide it in your ...

HTML primer

HTML skills list (skeelsz list): Create basic web page include html, body, head, title, p tags upl...


IPNM 2.7: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd"> <plist ver...

ISR 2020 begins!

Team, We'll be going over your ideas for projects in the next few meetings, but in the meantime, have a look at this list and let me know if anything...

ISR computer links

isr computer links Install Firefox: sudo apt-get install firefox-esr ISR: soldering, cat5, sensors, wireless, html, css, unix re...

ISR EMC Challenge!

ISR EMC challenge What was the lowest temp today, and when? If the PPA solar panels behind the elab are rated at 110 kW, what...