John's first entry

For the first day of my internship i went to talk to Steven Halstead about what classes he has and what i could work with him in, he teaches two physics classes that i will be attending to help with labs and work with students who need help. On Wednesday i met with Bill Wiecking and was introduced to Miller White. Miller and I later talked about what we could do to possible enrich his minecraft project and i set out to call my friend to help him find or program an ECE minecraft mod that allows you to build circuit board that can be made in real life. My friend found some skeleton code and may be able to help him start working on a mod. I also talked to Jacob about raven and explained to him the basics of sound propagation underwater. Later I spent some time Brittani about her project with colors and monitoring brain wave The next day, thursday, i was out sick but steven said that he was just doing testing and i could stay home. On Friday I set up Jacob with Raven to look the the manual and also talk to some students about their projects. I learned about the project that some students are working on like Davy's hologram programs that allow him to interact with sensors in his room, and i also talked to Alice and Zen about their project in monitoring the environmental data in classrooms. I also took some time to talk to them about colleges and what they might be looking for. After lunch i was able to meet and talk with Bo and inventor from Czechoslovakia about heart monitoring. I feel that most of my work will probably be able to be done in the next two weeks and this week is more of an introduction to the people and the building i can no wait to see more of their projects and work will them to develop their ideas.