
    Captstone Questions


    1. What is the cause and effect?
    2. What is driving this situation? Money? Something else?
    3. Wherever possible create a case study to contrast your topic

    who is the target of your PSA and article?
    can you come up with three case studies around privacy: someone who does not care, someone who cares but is clueless, and someone who cares and takes steps to secure their work (e.g. using Signal for IM, and a trusted corporate VPN?)

    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329116150_Privacy_Issues_and_Data_Protection_in_Big_Data_A_Case_Study_Analysis_under_GDPR - A big case study goes over the current state of the legal regulations and analyze different data protection and privacy-preserving techniques in the context of big data analysis by organizations. In addition, presenting and analyze two real-life research projects as case studies dealing with sensitive data and actions for complying with the data regulation laws.