
    Semester Weblog


    This year was different for me and some of the CodeHS felt like a lot of review for me. but when we started having Dr. Bill as our teacher I felt that I was learning so much more. Even though CoadeHS was reviewed I liked doing the MAth Tester project where I was writing code on my own computer, then working to where I could fix it and rewrite it to my liking. When I started Arduino I was just amazed being able to blink a light was bliss for me. I quite enjoyed it. I'm enjoying this last project very much I wasn't ever good with computer stuff, but I honestly now feel that I have a great grasp on it now.

    Pre-Dr. Bill:

    -Easy to learn
    -Guided videos to teach how to type code
    -Learn shortcuts
    "Personally I didn't enjoy this as much because it isn't consistent with how it's

    -Fun to start
    -Learning how to write your own code to work on your own computer.
    "I enjoyed this part very much, learning how to write good code and the satisfying feeling of completing a program."

    Post-Dr. Bill:

    -Easy to Challeging
    -Alot of physical wiring
    -Exact positioning for wires and working for the code.
    "I enjoyed working with somebody and making it a semi-cmeptition. It gets really fun when you get to made this work its very satisfying doing cool stuff like that."

    Rasberry Pi
    -Easy stepup on personal computer
    -Small board
    -Learning to Write code based off a programs such as Python and Scratch
    "I enjoyed navigating the Raseberry Pi and playing some of the mini games."

    Scavenger Hunt
    -Learn your strengths and weaknesses through different types of programing through clues and teamwork.
    -Learn about your assigned type of programing.
    "I was assigned the Seven Segment Display, and I enjoyed writing the code and learning how to wire and rewire arduino boards."