


    3/29/2021 17:12:50 HST Gregorian Calendar
    Today I found out about the gamma function when reading about fractional derivatives and integrals on Wikipedia, and instead of doing useful work I wanted to graph it on the weird 4d imaginary graph in openGL i made last year. I went to the old computer and unsurprisingly all the stuff was still there. I tried to compile but it kept saying that qt was messed up, so i reinstalled qt for like 10 minutes, but then it said that the opengl couldn't be included, and I had dig out my old .pro file and add QT += QOpenGL or something like that into the include directory to fix the make file, but it said that couldn't be found. Eventually I gave up since it was kind of useless anyways and just watched Will fail at navigating SkyX menus for 10 minutes.

    3/31/2021 17:11:09 HST Gregorian Calendar
    Today I helped will with the telescope by recording the obstructions on the telescope. He decided to use like a 50W lazer, and i thought 500mW lazer was powerful. Idk he didn't just use some regular red dot laser anyways. I just recorded what nick shouted out. There was something about pitch and orientation which I guess is good enough to represent a unit vector since it is only direction and you don't care about length.

    4/02/2021 13:26:47 HST Gregorian Calendar
    Today I tried to to the PID with some motor data I had from home. Obviously I couldn't actually test it but I could at least to the outline in c++ the try and feed the data in later. THe problem happened when I tried to graph the position of the motor onto the target position, but for somereason the scrolling messed up the scene and the application wasn't clearing the window for each new screen, while looking cool it made it so I couldn't really see what was going on. I decided to reinstall qt since I hadn't updated it in like 6 months and this computer was running like a 2008 version of mac OS, but while installing brew kept saying that files had the wrong hash and stuff was disconnecting client side, using curl. I never thought that would actually happened, maybe the internet was just bad and like too many packets were dropped idk networking, or there was an impostor server sending viruses. Anyways I decided to just wait until I got to better internet, and when I tried to write a weblog the server loaded super slow and had to connect through https with a bad certificate since HTTP didn't work (I thought that if HTTP doesn't work https shouldn't too but I guess not).
    Download file "Screen Shot 2021-04-02 at 3.20.42 PM.png"

    So this week I failed to get OpenGL to work, stole a drill, copied down some orientation numbers, and failed to do a simple pixle by pixle graph.