


    1. What you did this week: successes, failures, lessons learned
    This week I had a very interesting conversation with Anne and Ava, did a little more research and had a crash physics course with Dr.Bill. On Monday I didn't have a full class since I was at the nurse but it was still a successful and productive research session. A looked a little bit more into Starlink and what they do. I found this picture that gives us another prospective into what the satellites look like from Earth:
    Download file "starlink 2.jpeg"
    I still have a lot of research to do about this and definitely want to look more into it. I also want to look into space weather and black holes. On Wednesday Ava, Anne and I had an incredibly interesting conversation about black holes. We talked about all the possibilities and theories around black holes and about space travel. A big topic of conversation was lightyear measurements and the unprocessable thing that is the universe. It made our brains hurt to think how the universe is infinite and how little we are in the grand scheme of things. We also talked about the wormhole theory and the possiblilty of black holes being a wormhole and the energy that surrounds a black hole.
    Download file "black hole.jpeg"
    Download file "wormhole theory.jpeg"
    On Friday we had crash course on Physics with Dr.Bill. Even though I haven't taken physics in two years, I was surprised to know a few things he was talking about, also connecting my knowledge from AP art and history and getting to hear about cool stories of Galileo and how he invented the pendulum formula. It was nice to get a refresher on what I learned and also get to learn and get a sneak peek of what the Physics class is learning, it got me interested in physics again.
    Download file "IMG_0828.JPG"

    My Notes:

    2. What you plan to do next week: what, where, with whom
    Next week I really want to focus on my research and ,maybe expand into black hole research and connecting it to the radiation research I have now. I might talk to Anne and Ava to see what they have seen about black holes and hopefully have another interesting mind-bending conversation like the one we had last time. even though we have only one class next week I want to take full advantage of it.

    3. What you need to do this: from me, from others
    I don't really need anything from anyone except Ava and Anne to talk to and my computer to research and take notes.