
    Final Weblog Report

    This year I continued working on brain research. Last year I started off my independent brain research by focusing on studying factors that influence test taking. However, I realized that it was too broad of a topic and difficult to collect accurate data so I decided to switch to a more specific project: "The Color Project." The purpose of my project is to find an associated brain pattern with primary colors of light: green, blue and red. Questions like "Do you see same red color as me?" inspired me to conduct this study. The tools that I use for my project are a cardboard color set up, EPOC+ EEG headset, MUSE headset, EmotivLifeSciences app, MUSE Calm app and saline solution. The way I conducted my research was I collected data from people and analyzed the graphs. By analyzing the frequencies of the graphs, I could tell how active brain is when looking at a certain color. I focused on temporal cortex and occipital lobe because those are the parts of the brain mainly responsible for color processing. What I learned from collecting data from EEG is that there is no definite pattern associated with each color but frequencies between colors for each person differ. This proves that our brain reacts differently to different colors. I tested on two color-blind people using MUSE and EEG. According to data collected from EEG frequencies for all three colors were same or differed in 1 Hz and frequencies were overall lower compared to those of other people. However, I did not collect data from enough people to draw any conclusions. Still I found this information and results interesting.

    When the EmotivLifeSciences app didn't work or the EEG headset would not connect, I used MUSE to help me with my research. MUSE Calm app sorts data into 1 min intervals and shows how calm, active or neutral brain is in that interval. By looking at the graphs from Calm app, I could clearly see which color triggered activity or calmness. According to data I collected from the MUSE Calm app, people tend to be calm when looking at colors they like and active looking at colors that they do not like.

    I enjoyed working on "The Color Project" this year and I cannot believe that this school year is over. Last few weeks I was also thinking about some suggestions for developing this project. One of the ideas that came up to me was to use colored glasses to figure out brain responses to red, blue or green environments. This project has many potentials for practical uses. It is a stepping stone to understanding how color can be applied to help people.
