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2018-2019 project pages

Teams, We'd like to hear your ideas for your projects this year, including a secondary backup project. Below is a list of projects ongoing, let u...

Legacy projects

ISR teams 2014-2016 Names link to weblog pages, project names link to abstracts 2016-2017 projects list: --- B Period --- ...


Team, Here's what you'll need to include in your project proposal Proposal Rubric: Abstract: short summary of what you hope to research Tit...


IPNM 2.7: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd"> <plist ver...

Unix stuff

Team, Here is a review of where we are so far: fsck -yf file system check cd change directory ls list pwd...

Wireless stuff

Goals: Access point basics: WAN=Wide Area Network, the outside world (a circle on the airport base stations) LAN=Local Area Network (e.g. th...

Wireless lab

1. WAN setup: login via wifi, set the WAN address (see below for definitions of WAN) 2. LAN setup: Connect WAN port to ethernet, login via elab net...

Semester project outline

ISR semester project outline: Your semester exam will be composed of two grades: one for a comprehensive weblog entry and the second for a...

Student corner portal

To upload your capstone/ISR/IHR project to the student corner website, follow these directions from the creator, Morgan Dean: Go to https://student...

Machine learning notes

A real 5 qbit quantum processor in New York, courtesy of IBM Q: Superintelligence tak... notes

To help you get going, we've pulled together some resources on our Starter Kit page, including: Training Videos Sample Lessons ...

NASA notes 2019-2020

11,000 new hours of voice loop audio released! Switch to any voice loop and re-live the entire mission from any seat in MCC!! https://apolloinr...

RFID information

From Oliver Grayson: The project is hosted at Clone that repository and steal the bits you want, or...

Raspberry Pi Tutorial

Module 1: Terminal first steps Using terminal on the raspberry pi: Start with ping: ping sends a data packet to a machine on the internet, and tells ...

fsck, IPNetMonitor 2.7.3

fsck -yf upon single user start (command-s) open IP net monitor (blue guy icon) Task bar: [Screen Shot 2019-09-17 a...

Raspberry pi networking

Raspberry Pi network tools tested 9.16.19 on RPI A+ sudo apt-get install net-tools wavemon mtr tcpdump netcat iperf nmap nethogs iptraf-...

ISR computer links

isr computer links Install Firefox: sudo apt-get install firefox-esr ISR: soldering, cat5, sensors, wireless, html, css, unix re...

HTML primer

HTML skills list (skeelsz list): Create basic web page include html, body, head, title, p tags upl...

Energy hunt

energy hunt locate environmental sensor blow on the sensor, check the values try ...

Herobrine hunt-raspberry pi

herobrine hunt-raspberry pi review pwd, ls, cd create a text file named herobrine.txt using sudo nano hide it in your ...