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arduino manual-vilros

[Download file "arduino.pdf"]

Cat 5 cables! (no cats were harmed in the making of this weblog)


VOM/DVM meters

VOM/DVM Fluke 101: [Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 11.28.10 AM.png] Fluke 114: [Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 11.28.45 AM.png] V~ means AC voltage...

Herobrine hunt-raspberry pi

herobrine hunt-raspberry pi review pwd, ls, cd create a text file named herobrine.txt using sudo nano hide it in your ...

Energy hunt

energy hunt locate environmental sensor blow on the sensor, check the values try ...

HTML primer

HTML skills list (skeelsz list): Create basic web page include html, body, head, title, p tags upl...

ISR computer links

isr computer links Install Firefox: sudo apt-get install firefox-esr ISR: soldering, cat5, sensors, wireless, html, css, unix re...

Raspberry pi networking

Raspberry Pi network tools tested 9.16.19 on RPI A+ sudo apt-get install net-tools wavemon mtr tcpdump netcat iperf nmap nethogs iptraf-...

fsck, IPNetMonitor 2.7.3

fsck -yf upon single user start (command-s) open IP net monitor (blue guy icon) Task bar: [Screen Shot 2019-09-17 a...

Raspberry Pi Tutorial

Module 1: Terminal first steps Using terminal on the raspberry pi: Start with ping: ping sends a data packet to a machine on the internet, and tells ...

RFID information

From Oliver Grayson: The project is hosted at Clone that repository and steal the bits you want, or...

NASA notes 2019-2020

11,000 new hours of voice loop audio released! Switch to any voice loop and re-live the entire mission from any seat in MCC!! https://apolloinr... notes

To help you get going, we've pulled together some resources on our Starter Kit page, including: Training Videos Sample Lessons ...

Machine learning notes

A real 5 qbit quantum processor in New York, courtesy of IBM Q: Superintelligence tak...

Student corner portal

To upload your capstone/ISR/IHR project to the student corner website, follow these directions from the creator, Morgan Dean: Go to https://student...

Semester project outline

ISR semester project outline: Your semester exam will be composed of two grades: one for a comprehensive weblog entry and the second for a...

Wireless lab

1. WAN setup: login via wifi, set the WAN address (see below for definitions of WAN) 2. LAN setup: Connect WAN port to ethernet, login via elab net...

Wireless stuff

Goals: Access point basics: WAN=Wide Area Network, the outside world (a circle on the airport base stations) LAN=Local Area Network (e.g. th...

Unix stuff

Team, Here is a review of where we are so far: fsck -yf file system check cd change directory ls list pwd...


IPNM 2.7: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd"> <plist ver...