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Search results in Advanced Computer Science

Advanced Raspberry Pi module

Raspberry Pi installation notes-11.1.14 post install: sudo apt-get update ifconfig to ge...

Networking module

Cat 5 cable: 30 points Create the cable: 10 Link works: 10 Speed at least 1000 mb/s: 10 Extra credit for over 1000 mb/s: 5 Airport base sta...

Router module

Review: IP masquerading routers vs. gateways apache web server startup dhcp vs. static addresses ports: 80 html basics: index.html is the d...

Sensor module

Sensor hunt Our elab has many sensors for air, energy and water. Seek out Erin and Jeff, who may help you with...

TCP/IP module

TCP/IP Notes: Review of cat5 why cat 5? what is cat6? cat4? cat 3? Why is it also called twi...